Shake roofs are a type of roofing material that was developed in the early 1900s. These roofs were made by laying thin strips of wood on top of one another, leaving gaps between them. The gaps allowed moisture to escape and prevented the shakes from rotting or becoming damaged by water.
The most common type of shake roof is cedar shake, which is a dark brown color with a reddish tint to it. This type of shake is lightweight but durable and can last up to 50 years if properly maintained. Cedar shakes are also resistant to insect damage and weathering; they’re very easy to install and require little maintenance over time once they’ve been installed correctly.

Multi-width composite cedar shakes are the perfect solution for your home when you’re looking for a natural and energy-efficient exterior. They’re crafted from traditional cedar wood, which means they have the same beautiful color and texture as traditional cedar siding. But unlike traditional cedar siding, these shingles have unique double-layer protection that makes them resistant to fire, rot, and pests, so you can enjoy your home’s exterior for years to come!

Less-Co Roofing will evaluate your existing roof and help you make the right choice in roofing material and style. Call us now at 916-860-7916 today for a free estimate.